Estate Planning

Estate planing for Blended Families brings with it a layer of complexity and probably even some anxieties. It might be an area you and your spouse failed to discuss prior to getting married, and could potentially be an area of conflict, but that’s okay. It is best to face these things head on and not be in denial about some of the complexities facing your blended family. At the end of the day the goal is the same for everyone; take care of your spouse, make sure things are in order if you should become incapacitated and make sure your assets are protected for your children.
Some of the areas of conflict that might arise and will need to be discussed with you and your spouse are:
1.) Is there a large imbalance of earning power within the relationship?
2.) Will my new spouse provide for my children from my previous relationship if anything were to happen to me?
3.) Will my new spouse be able to continue a relationship with my minor children should something happen to me?
4.) How do we protect our assets so that our exes don’t have access to them should something happen to either of us.
5.) What if something were to happen to me and my new spouse gets remarried? Will my children from my previous relationship be protected?
These are just a sample of the kinds of questions that we will have to deal with as we formulate a plan.
Our purpose in creating a plan is so that while we are of sound mind we can dictate what will occur to us when we no longer can. There are some decisions, that should not be placed upon our spouses or children’s shoulders.
With a plan in place your spouse and/or children will not be placed in the uncomfortable situation of making choices at a time when they will emotionally and mentally not be up to the task of making important and life altering decisions.
At the end of the day all an estate plan is at its most basic level is a set of documents letting others know your wishes.
If you need help creating an estate plan give us a call, our pricing is aggressive because we believe in the importance of planning and believe everyone needs and estate plan. 918-928-9573