Tax Planning

Did you know your financial advisor isn’t allowed to give tax advice unless he or she is an Attorney, CPA or Enrolled Agent?  

Joseph Hanson is the only Attorney and an Enrolled Agent in Oklahoma, and one of only a handful in the nation. Because of this,  we incorporate tax strategy and tax planning into all of our clients financial plans. Having your financial advisor being a tax expert is valuable for you in that your financial and tax strategy are working together to grow your wealth. Often times your tax professional and your financial advisor have different goals and objectives that are sometimes competing. Your tax professional may be attempting to lower your income on paper to reduce your taxes when in reality that isn’t important because your financial advisor has helped you create a different strategy that may result in tax savings in other ways.

 Having a financial advisor that is also a tax expert can help you save more of your money, and savings is the key to financial growth and wealth.